The results have been churning out this week, I guess I didn't do that badly, haha... Improved in BM, Sejarah and Math, but had a significant drop in Geography, too bad.. Should have paid more attention to it.. Moral isn't counted in the total mark so I was a bit disappointed coz I scored really well in it, haha..
I was third in the circuit board contest. The prize consisted of some stationery and six reference books, wow.... The six were on Sejarah, Geografi, BM, English and Science. Had 4 for SPM and 2 for PMR, not to mention a load of PMR model tests.... haha... Would have appreciated books on Chemistry, Physics and Biology though, I'm starting to sound nerdy right?? Haha, those books would be great..
Felt bored after the exams so I made a cake and some agar-agar with my mom.. I even fried my own teriyaki tenggiri fish after school.. But I finished it before I took a picture of it.. haha... Our class' notice board was decorated in a hurry, Shuang Yuan said that I had high expectations of it.. Well, in the beginning maybe, but it wasn't my work so it didn't matter much to me.. Really dislike the people that like to criticise but never lift a finger to help, they just yap and yap about how this is not right, that is not distinct enough and bla bla bla... Got quite mad at them yesterday, but as soon as the school bell rang, off I went, didn't wanna stay with them any longer..
Tomorrow's a holiday, there's school on Saturday though.. Wonder how many people'll turn up.. haha.. Another week in school, and it'll be Raya holidays~
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