Saturday, November 21, 2009

Change... Again...

I want to start all over again, I want to change to be a better person but is that really possible for me? On one hand I have to grow up to eighteen when I'm not, and act mature, for my age I just want to be myself, I don't want to be someone I'm not, I just want to be me... I may be boring, irritating or just plain childish, but it's still me.. If I have to change, I still hope that I'll change for the better, not worse, but better. I want to be more cheerful and sociable, have a good set of values, be better to all my friends, my family, and I want to be successful not only in my studies but in being a good person. I don't want to care about what other people say or think about me, I'm just me, if I did something wrong or hurt you, just tell me and I'll try correct it, I won't know until you do.

In the new year to come, things may be tougher than usual but I still want to thrive, be with my friends and family, have a meaningful year... I hope I'll still have people to talk to, but the people that I like and trust sometimes just disappoint me.. The clock's ticking, there's not much time left to be with everyone you cherish, sooner or later they won't be by your side anymore..... Anyway, I'm going to stick to being the one who worries a lot, haha.... Be happy!! : )

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Another Trip

Yes, another trip to Singapore, it may sound boring but I won't be able to visit Singapore for the next two months... I only spent two days there but it was eventful. Went to Sushi Tei again this trip, the food was very yummy and I loved it sooo much.. My favourite was the Golden Roll, a king prawn wrapped in sushi rice and seaweed topped off with a slice of sweet mango and flying fish roe with mayonaise drizzled on top, wow, really good.. I'm lucky that I'm a big eater ^^..

Went to Orchard Road and the Christmas decorations were up in conjunction with the APEC meeting there. The theme this year is 'A Glitzy Christmas'. I went to Borders the last time I visited Singapore but this time, Kinokuniya in Takashimaya. My cousin bought me huge cookies, potato cakes and octopus balls in Takashimaya. Christmas is almost everywhere there, I'm going to miss the full atmosphere this year... haiz... Tried hard to get photos, couldn't keep a steady hand, hehe...

Saturday, November 7, 2009


Had our taichi club meeting yesterday, the president showed us our club badges and all of us were 'terrified', they were so round and huge!! And we're supposed to wear it everyday starting from next year.. I was chosen to perform taichi on stage with 3 others next January, but I'm not confident at all.. After getting a lecture for being late for dinner, I became so weird and childish, oh, I can't believe what I did yesterday...... Ar...... I think I 'tortured' some people on MSN... haha...

Went to Tesco today and met Pn. Kwan Swee Kee there. I wanted to avoid her at first but decided not to.. After that, we went to Bata. I bought a pair of sport shoes, a combination of black and sharp pink, same as my school bag, (what a coincidence -_-")... I can't believe I bought that, and changed the boring black shoe laces with some interesting white ones.. And I even bought really short socks, I wonder whether my friends would believe that.. Wow, and I'm also starting to read comics...

I think my taste in things has changed a lot, mostly influenced by my friends... haha... But it's more interesting and fun that way.. I'm happy....

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Finally it's all over..

It's all finished, thoroughly.. The results are all out and we know where we finally stand in class. I admit it was a little surprising and I was prepared to be out of the top 10 at first so it was not too disappointing, anyway I already beat the people that I wanted to so I'm quite satisfied. Gonna work harder next year, PMR.... One thing that breaks my heart is to see my good friends leave me and go to another class next year, it's a bit weird to put it this way though.. But I'll still be with some of my friends and I'll still build friendships next year... I hope it'll be easier..

Finally my mother bought a phone for me, so it's not so painful to be out of the top 5, I'm already happy just for that. It's getting more and more boring day by day, but I bet that it'll be worse once the school holidays start. I'm sooooo tired today, I had enough running around during basketball, blocking the opponents and all, but I was happy that I got to play basketball, anyway I think this is the last PJ class for the year, so it was 'memorable'..

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


今天真的好闷,我发觉到我好像不大能融入大家的话题,注意力一旦离开话题五秒就根本追不上的感觉, 好像被踢出去酱。。今天参了苏美玲她们那一组玩‘杀手’, 跟昨天比起来很闷, 跟黄润彬、靖妮他们玩是比较好玩啦, 真可惜他们不想和那些女生玩, 应该是不熟的关系吧。。3 个回合里面我三个角色都当过, 就是杀手、平民还有警察。我不知道我为什么这么想玩,好像是因为去年才懂有这样的游戏。我很想和朋友一起玩, 但是不懂做么一看到他们玩就只想在一边看。。

我拿到校刊, 第一页就翻开我班的照片, 唉,算了吧。。 之后就看学会的照片,bla bla bla 一大堆。 我尽量在学校看完我想看的东西, 因为我的怪毛病就是我不喜欢看校刊第二次。一旦校刊到了我家, 我就会放在一边几乎再也不碰, 好像有怪癖耶。。 哈哈。。。 想不到我的英文作文竟然在校刊还有那个什么Yu Hua Bugle 里面登出来, 不懂做么会感到害怕又不安。。。

明天才能拿回木工, 不知道我装上去的灯泡坏了没有。。 所有成绩都出炉了, 成绩是差过年中考试但是我应该要满足,吕老师说的什么知足常乐, 很难做到啰。。放学一看到那些‘安蒂’我就会加快脚步不想停留在她们那里,想快点溜, 她们每到公布成绩的时候都酱一直说我很好一大堆, 而且还‘贬低’他们自己的孩子, 弄到我很气、不好意思、有压力又想趁早离开。。

我真的希望接下来的几天我能开心一点,真得很想快乐度过这个和下个礼拜, 之后就见不到朋友了。。 算了,明天应该会更好。。

Saturday, October 31, 2009


I was so tired this morning... It's been months since I had food poisoning... My whole body felt so cold and weak and my head felt so heavy. I even got a shock when I looked into the mirror, my face was so pale...haha.. I think it's because of the coleslaw I ate last night..

Wow, I'm not doing well at all today. But at least I can sit in front of the computer today, yeah! I feel quite lucky that I didn't have food poisoning during the exam period, if I did, I wouldn't be able to sit for the test. However, when the stomach ache subsided, I had to wash my shoes since my mother set up a 'If you don't wash your shoes yourself, wear it to school dirty' policy. Haha, but I never knew washing my own school shoes could be so much fun, seeing the dirt on your shoes disappear after you scrub it, I'm really childish... haha..

Had nothing to do in the afternoon so I took some photos around the garden. Back
to school tomorrow, to face my remaining exam results... haiz..


Finally it's the beginning of a new month, the exams are over and finally my internet connection is fixed. A whole month of not being able to surf the web, play on facebook and a whole lot of other stuff really made me suffer, especially right after the exams. The only thing I could use the internet for was for MSN.

We're getting back our results from the final exam now, and everyone is disappointed that from next year onwards every class will have a balanced number of boys and girls. Well, maybe the boys were celebrating but the girls were definetely not. I don't think that it's fair but it can't be changed so we'll just have to accept it. I don't think I tried my best this time round, so I hope to change my ways next year, and that was practically what I said back in August. Haiz... it's so hard to change.

Most of my friends say that they won't be in A class next year. I tend to feel so lonely and dejected after they say that. I really hope that I can be with them next year. Why can't you ever get what you want?? Yesterday was really confusing, I didn't know whether I was happy or sad yesterday. My feelings were so mixed up. I got good results for Geography at the beginning, then it was so messy when it got to recess. It felt like it was my fault in making someone cry, I really didn't mean to. I felt terrible after that...

Then came Science period, at first Paper 2 was really disapponting as the teacher marked my papers wrongly, she gave me more marks than I deserved, so I went out to get the marks deducted and some of my classmates said they don't understand why I want to get my marks deducted. Honesty is really the best policy, I don't think I would have been able to sleep if I didn't get it fixed, haha. When the teacher was changing the marks she asked me what I wrote for a question about a rose plant, whether it had prickles or thorns. I said thorns and it was wrong, I had no idea that my mark for that question had to be deducted! And then she said, "So far only Kimberly has come out to get her marks deducted for that particular question, how about other students? Didn't I mark yours wrongly?" Aiyo, I didn't mean to get that one deducted man... Haiz, so what? I think I did OK lor...
(consoling myself -_-") Paper 1 was at least able to cheer me up, so it was fine.

The results of the last few papers are due to come out in the next few days, BM2, BC2, KH and Sejarah, I totally have no faith in them... I'll just pray for the best...After all, it's not the PMR...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Nowadays everybody has handphones, even us schoolchildren do too, although it's not highly necessary. Had nothing to do so I surfed around and got images of these phones, they are quite nice.

Sony Ericsson C903

Sony Ericsson W995

Sony Ericsson W705

Sony Ericsson W595

Sony Ericsson W508

Sony Ericsson T707

Sony Ericsson T700

Sony Ericsson C905

LG Crystal (first phone to have transparent keypad)

课外活动给分会议 - 开心

今天用华文吧。。 昨天真是很紧张, 举行了给课外活动分数的会议, 所有的setiausaha都要出席。。 进了bilik seminar 后, 一个人都没有, 只有一位早上班的老师在整理学生课外活动的分数表, 每一班的分数表一叠叠被钉起来, 一本一本容易拿。

出去等pengerusi 来和我一起给分数, 就见到晓晴的姐姐, 读中4的, 一见面就变朋友了,小时候她有帮我庆祝生日我都不知道。。8.30a.m. 其他学会的setiausaha 都陆陆续续的来了, 全部都是早上班的, 孤独死了。 Encik Nagaya 解释要怎样给分后, 已经是9.45a.m. 了, 讲了整一个钟, 闲。

开始给分就好玩了, 一叠叠的分数表摆好了, 让我们去拿。 我就像 Encik Nagaya 讲的, 拿一本做完了才拿多一本, 谁知道给了1A 的分数后,去拿其他的时候全部给人家拿完了,人家几叠几叠一起拿, 还要等多5分钟才给我。。 害得我被pengerusi 骂 ‘可爱’。。-_-|| 我先做完了中2的, 有的拿B, C 还有D, 没有来过活动的都可以拿20分, 爽到。。。 来过70%以上就拿满分, 真好。。 我做中1-3, pengerusi 做中4-6。 我发现很多人都拿D, 毕竟太极没什么人活跃。

趁着这个机会顺便看看中2 的朋友们的生日, 参加什么活动, 哈哈。 剩下的三班还要一个个问其他人有没有拿到, 做完我的份后,帮pengerusi做一点点中4的, 然后就回家了。想着, 明年会有这样的会议吗? 希望能带朋友帮忙,会更好啰。。

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Last Saturday was the Mooncake Festival, to my disappointment, I spent it without the moon. (I couldn't find it..) Spent the whole Sunday looking for ways to download korean shows for my mom, she would really appreciate it. She even considered buying a laptop if I could accomplish it, sounds like a good deal right? Too bad I couldn't do it, I'm really no use in the computer IT stuff. It's so frustrating, and I can't go to school and ask Jing Ni how to do it, haiz.. But this is a good time to start studying and laying off the computer, but it seems so impossible. I wonder how I'm going to spend the holidays.
Err, does anyone know how to download that kind of stuff?? Please HELP!!!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


The water in my water bottle shook, I thought it was Madeline shaking the table, but I found out that it was not when she was busy copying the notes from the whiteboard. In fact, everyone was. Then the building just started to shake. After we found out that not only our class felt it but the whole school, the emergency bell rang and who would expect that the teacher was the first one to pick up her handbag and leave the class, isn't she supposed to organize the evacuation or something? I bet Pn Linda Leong would have done that. Anyway, the feeling of the whole building shaking was just thrilling. Everybody rushed out of the building to the basketball court. Fortunately, there were a buch of teachers in front of me when I went down the stairs, enough to break my fall if I got pushed by the people behind me. Spent about half an hour at the basketball court, the teacher took our attendance to make sure everyone was there, talked about the earthquake with some friends from B class, and that was about it.

Watched the news only to find out that it was only tremors from the quake of magnitude 7.6 or something in Sumatera. Even my mother felt it when the car shook a bit when she stopped at a traffic light. The feeling is still lingering, but it ought to be gone by tomorrow. Too bad for the B class students though as they didn't get a chance to experience the 'thrilling moment', because they were having KH in the workshops, but maybe it was a good thing.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A fine day

A bit of a disappointment for me today as I got my ABRSM results today. Haha, I only scored a pass. It was a pity that I missed the merit mark by a mere 2 points. This will motivate me to work harder and practice more. I had to announce my results to my friends and this was painful as they all expected me to get a merit or a distinction. Being good at school exams doesn't mean your good at music, you still need a bit of talent to be really good. Now, all I have to wait for is the theory results, which I have much more confidence in, haha.

I felt somewhat tired during English period, maybe the lesson was boring, but I jolted back to life once Pn Linda Leong called out my name with her 'electrifying' voice. She asked me some questions about how many siblings I had and whether I want more and bla bla bla... After she turned around, I was back in my comfy napping position.

Helped my father cook the noodles tonight and I burned my hand, that's going to leave a mark. Had dinner when the doorbell rang, and in came the man really well-liked by my father, his former part-time worker. He came to give us mooncakes. They chatted and teased me how my father promised him that I would marry him someday, as if that's going to happen... -_-|| He was carrying me around when I was just born and that was when he was 21. Really a vast age difference but it's exactly the same with my parents, aged 21 years apart.

Going to drill through the mound of homework I 'retrieved' from school. Bye bye for now!

Monday, September 28, 2009

First Day of School After the Holidays

Finally, I'm not wearing the mask today, but it may not last long because I might catch a cold.. haiz.. The first day of school was quite good, seeing my friends as well as knowing how many holidays we're going to be having. Thinking of hitting the books soon, hope to improve this time, got lots of room for it. Going to have PJ this week, wonder if we're going to play basketball again. For once, I'm not looking forward to it. Ee Hui hasn't heard anything from her piano teacher about the results, most of my friends already know, some had a pass for Grade 8, while others had passes and distinctions for Grade 6. I'm only a mere Grade 5-er, wonder what I'll get.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

A Boring Saturday

There's nothing much to say nowadays, hope that my days will become more interesting...
This morning didn't go quite well, both Wei Hao and Jin Xian didn't turn up. So much about hoping to avoid carrying out their duties. It was kind of boring and I had to be the lead for the taichi practice today, it was totally embarassing... ugh.. After warming up and stuff, we started to go for a jog. This time I made everyone jog in the park, well, they were grateful that I didn't make them run around the field. One of my juniors asked me whether I usually faint and she jogged with me, as if she was afraid that I would. I was puzzled why she asked me that, then she said that my face was very pale... Maybe this was because I pushed myself too hard when we were doing the basics after the warm up. Had a headache after the warming up, and Wan Jing didn't know how to be the lead for the basics, so I had to do it despite the headache. Hehe, I know this is boring. Not going to blog much after school reopens...

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Nothing Special

Cut my hair yesterday just to make a bit shorter, so it won't always get tangled up. Going to practice Gu Zheng later in the afternoon, maybe I'll get to see how my ABRSM results are. I'm quite happy that I'll be able to go for taichi tomorrow because I'll get to see my friends there. I wish that I won't be bored tomorrow when Wei Hao and Jin Xian go for 'makan'. They take ages to finish eating.....-_-|| Hope I don't have to take their shift to take attendance and receive the fees from the club members while they stuff themselves with food, some sort of AJKs they are... haiz..

Listened to Taylor Swift's songs like Fearless, Our Song, The Way Loved You, liked them all. Our Song had a country style tinge in the beginning of the song but it was nice. David Archuleta's Zero Gravity(it's always on the radio)was quite good, too. Tried listening to songs by Girls' Generation, a korean girl group that Madeline likes, they were kinda' girly but energetic...Some of the group members were pretty ^^. Here We Go Again by Demi Lovato was really loud, Heartless and Live Like We're Dying by Kris Allen, yeah, that was really good. Saw an article on Jason Mraz the other day about his hit single - I'm Yours. The song's soothing somehow, after listening to the other songs. Like it!

Trying to be hardworking to stay in A class next year, please... I don't want to sit in front of the computer the whole day...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Made my own breakfast today, scrambled eggs with sauteed mushrooms. I wonder why food that's cooked on your own tastes so good.. : ) Anyway, I was blessed with a wonderful, sunny morning today.

Took many photos of my garden, surfed the net, played on facebook, nothing much actually. Just a swarm of over 20 red dragonflies that started to fly around my window at noon while there was a slight breeze, weird.. I hope to get back to school soon, there's nothing to do at home and sitting in front of the computer is really time-consuming..

I feel like getting ready for the final exams like some of my fellow classmates but just can't get into the swing. Wondering how I did in my ABRSM practical and theory exams, seems like my friends already know their results, I feel happy for those guys. Considering that this is my first ABRSM examination, I really have no clue what I'll get. Oh well, I'll keep wondering then...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A flash of light on a dark day

Had a dull morning today because I found out that 2 of my chicks disappeared when I was in Singapore. I had a hunch that something went wrong last night when I couldn't find the hen. It rained heavily here when the chicks went down the slope behind my house to play, I guess. Maybe they got swept away by the flowing river water, or got eaten by a monitor lizard which we call a 'biawak' in Malay.

This has taught me to value whatever you have when it's still there, let it be family, pets or even a bag or a book. It doesn't feel at all good to have lost something precious to us, so appreciate whatever you have now.
Shed some tears and then came my father who, to my amazement, asked me whether I would like to buy a camera and a handphone. He asked me to think about it during the holidays, but I wonder whether it was just a form of consoling me for the loss of my precious little things.

Chickens have been in my life for practically 8 years, since I was 6, so they mean a lot to me.
1.5.2001 - this was the first day ayam serama became a part of my life. They are colourful, lively little beings, they're certainly not the type you see getting slaughtered in the market. Despite this loss, I still have to get on with my life, right?

A Food-filled Trip

I went on a trip to Singapore last Saturday to celebrate my aunt's birthday. Got up at 5.30am and started the journey at 6.30am, if you think that's early, I used to get up and leave by 4am just to reach Singapore in time for some things.

We arrived in Singapore just about lunchtime, so we headed to Telok Blangah's hawker centre. Had a bowl of piping-hot chicken porridge while my family, consisting of my parents, brother, as well as my aunt, uncle and cousin, had different types of hawker food. We had a big portion of chicken rice, prawn mee and Teochew fish porridge. Then, we went to the Queensbay warehouse where they sold all sorts of Western and Japanese ingredients and frozen stuff. You could find cheeses you don't normally find in other supermarkets, ham, sausages, scallops and all sorts of canned foods. However, it was a weekend and the place was packed, and the place was quite small, so I had to jostle through the crowd. Went back home, had a nap. Dinner was at Alexandra Road's hawker centre. After all the food arrived, it was obvious that the table was too small to hold all our food.. haha.. Slept at 12am.The F1 track is around this landmark.

The Singapore Flyer, changes colour at night.


Had waffles from KFC in the morning. Then, we headed to the Botanic Gardens. Unfortunately, the carpark was full, and there were loads of people in formal clothes. Then, my aunt spotted the sign saying [“I Do” – Garden Weddings]. Yeah, a wedding on Hari Raya, in the garden. With a feeling of dejection, we went to the Tiong Bahru Market to get some wet groceries. Guess what I saw, the ‘wet market’ was a modernized building with escalators! Don’t think I’ll see that in Malaysia for the next 10 years.

After marketing, we drove to Sushi Tei, a wonderful sushi parlour. There were all sorts of sushi and Japanese dishes. Like in Sushi King, some of the sushi were placed on conveyor belts for customers to enjoy on the spot. We ordered dishes such as sashimi salad, golden rolls, salmon on rice, tempura, fried tuna rolls and fried soft shell crab. Later in the day, we visited Borders at Wheelock Place. My, was the place big! Looked high and low for a Latin dictionary. You must be wondering why I need a Latin dictionary for. Well, my father said the same thing Pn. Linda Leong said, “ Most English words are from Latin”, he insisted on buying the dictionary. There was a big display on the Twilight series, considering the fact that my friends are so interested in the series, I decided to take a look. It was alright to me, but I'm sure there are people saying that it's great or wonderful or whatever. Dinner was at Sterling Road, the best dishes were the cereal prawns and spicy claypot chicken.


Bought the newspapers today, in one of the columns of the front page stood five big words, "Saying I do 168 times". Guess what, there were 168 couples that got married at the Botanic Gardens, why did that have to happen on my first attempt to the Botanic Gardens? Oh well, went to the Botanic Gardens straight after that, the wedding fever didn't seem to have cleared up yet as couples were still taking wedding photographs, big wedding canopies here and there and flower petals all over the water lily lake. Took some photos with just a 1.3 megapixel camera phone, walked till I almost dropped and had the nice Milo Dinosaur there. Hope to get a better camera some day, not being able to zoom can sometimes be really painful..

A couple of swans at Swan Lake.

The Ginger flower

A blue dragonfly on top of the water lily. Almost fell into the pond to get it!

Tiny durians perhaps?

Perfection in full bloom.

Ended the day with Thai dinner at Amara Hotel. Not really to my taste but it was ok. I played with my cousin's Samsung Omnia, a nice but boring touchscreen phone that had an interesting feature to me - shaking the phone to roll dice, to mark the end to this wonderful trip to Singapore.

Finally, my blog is created..

Despite all the difficulty I had gone through, I finally opened my blog, with the help of my good friend Mun Yee. She actually helped me through msn, she's quite good compared to me.

So my first post will go to her, a friend that's always there for me. Her full name's Choong Mun Yee, she was my best friend last year, it was kind of heart breaking that we got separated when she got into B class. But our friendship didn't fade or weaken much since we see each other every day, spend recess together and carry out some confidential matters.. hehe..

We go for all the same co-curricular activities but she's kind of lazy sometimes, to go for taichi. I know, who would want to go for taichi? Anyway, she would get up early to go for the activity. I think it may be hard for her since she considersthat waking up before 10am is very early. She can even get up at 12pm, have lunch(her first meal of the day is always lunch....-_-||),and rush to school..

I guess this is enough, I know this may be boring but it's a form of thanks to her. I hope that our friendship lasts very long.