Saturday, October 31, 2009


I was so tired this morning... It's been months since I had food poisoning... My whole body felt so cold and weak and my head felt so heavy. I even got a shock when I looked into the mirror, my face was so pale...haha.. I think it's because of the coleslaw I ate last night..

Wow, I'm not doing well at all today. But at least I can sit in front of the computer today, yeah! I feel quite lucky that I didn't have food poisoning during the exam period, if I did, I wouldn't be able to sit for the test. However, when the stomach ache subsided, I had to wash my shoes since my mother set up a 'If you don't wash your shoes yourself, wear it to school dirty' policy. Haha, but I never knew washing my own school shoes could be so much fun, seeing the dirt on your shoes disappear after you scrub it, I'm really childish... haha..

Had nothing to do in the afternoon so I took some photos around the garden. Back
to school tomorrow, to face my remaining exam results... haiz..


Finally it's the beginning of a new month, the exams are over and finally my internet connection is fixed. A whole month of not being able to surf the web, play on facebook and a whole lot of other stuff really made me suffer, especially right after the exams. The only thing I could use the internet for was for MSN.

We're getting back our results from the final exam now, and everyone is disappointed that from next year onwards every class will have a balanced number of boys and girls. Well, maybe the boys were celebrating but the girls were definetely not. I don't think that it's fair but it can't be changed so we'll just have to accept it. I don't think I tried my best this time round, so I hope to change my ways next year, and that was practically what I said back in August. Haiz... it's so hard to change.

Most of my friends say that they won't be in A class next year. I tend to feel so lonely and dejected after they say that. I really hope that I can be with them next year. Why can't you ever get what you want?? Yesterday was really confusing, I didn't know whether I was happy or sad yesterday. My feelings were so mixed up. I got good results for Geography at the beginning, then it was so messy when it got to recess. It felt like it was my fault in making someone cry, I really didn't mean to. I felt terrible after that...

Then came Science period, at first Paper 2 was really disapponting as the teacher marked my papers wrongly, she gave me more marks than I deserved, so I went out to get the marks deducted and some of my classmates said they don't understand why I want to get my marks deducted. Honesty is really the best policy, I don't think I would have been able to sleep if I didn't get it fixed, haha. When the teacher was changing the marks she asked me what I wrote for a question about a rose plant, whether it had prickles or thorns. I said thorns and it was wrong, I had no idea that my mark for that question had to be deducted! And then she said, "So far only Kimberly has come out to get her marks deducted for that particular question, how about other students? Didn't I mark yours wrongly?" Aiyo, I didn't mean to get that one deducted man... Haiz, so what? I think I did OK lor...
(consoling myself -_-") Paper 1 was at least able to cheer me up, so it was fine.

The results of the last few papers are due to come out in the next few days, BM2, BC2, KH and Sejarah, I totally have no faith in them... I'll just pray for the best...After all, it's not the PMR...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Nowadays everybody has handphones, even us schoolchildren do too, although it's not highly necessary. Had nothing to do so I surfed around and got images of these phones, they are quite nice.

Sony Ericsson C903

Sony Ericsson W995

Sony Ericsson W705

Sony Ericsson W595

Sony Ericsson W508

Sony Ericsson T707

Sony Ericsson T700

Sony Ericsson C905

LG Crystal (first phone to have transparent keypad)

课外活动给分会议 - 开心

今天用华文吧。。 昨天真是很紧张, 举行了给课外活动分数的会议, 所有的setiausaha都要出席。。 进了bilik seminar 后, 一个人都没有, 只有一位早上班的老师在整理学生课外活动的分数表, 每一班的分数表一叠叠被钉起来, 一本一本容易拿。

出去等pengerusi 来和我一起给分数, 就见到晓晴的姐姐, 读中4的, 一见面就变朋友了,小时候她有帮我庆祝生日我都不知道。。8.30a.m. 其他学会的setiausaha 都陆陆续续的来了, 全部都是早上班的, 孤独死了。 Encik Nagaya 解释要怎样给分后, 已经是9.45a.m. 了, 讲了整一个钟, 闲。

开始给分就好玩了, 一叠叠的分数表摆好了, 让我们去拿。 我就像 Encik Nagaya 讲的, 拿一本做完了才拿多一本, 谁知道给了1A 的分数后,去拿其他的时候全部给人家拿完了,人家几叠几叠一起拿, 还要等多5分钟才给我。。 害得我被pengerusi 骂 ‘可爱’。。-_-|| 我先做完了中2的, 有的拿B, C 还有D, 没有来过活动的都可以拿20分, 爽到。。。 来过70%以上就拿满分, 真好。。 我做中1-3, pengerusi 做中4-6。 我发现很多人都拿D, 毕竟太极没什么人活跃。

趁着这个机会顺便看看中2 的朋友们的生日, 参加什么活动, 哈哈。 剩下的三班还要一个个问其他人有没有拿到, 做完我的份后,帮pengerusi做一点点中4的, 然后就回家了。想着, 明年会有这样的会议吗? 希望能带朋友帮忙,会更好啰。。

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Last Saturday was the Mooncake Festival, to my disappointment, I spent it without the moon. (I couldn't find it..) Spent the whole Sunday looking for ways to download korean shows for my mom, she would really appreciate it. She even considered buying a laptop if I could accomplish it, sounds like a good deal right? Too bad I couldn't do it, I'm really no use in the computer IT stuff. It's so frustrating, and I can't go to school and ask Jing Ni how to do it, haiz.. But this is a good time to start studying and laying off the computer, but it seems so impossible. I wonder how I'm going to spend the holidays.
Err, does anyone know how to download that kind of stuff?? Please HELP!!!